Thursday, October 31, 2013

Journal 10

November 1, 2013
Chapter 10 Promoting Success for All Students through Technology

Focus Question #1 What are differentiated instruction and universal design for learning?
Differentiated instruction is an approach that gives students different options to learn. They have various ways to take in information and make sense of new ideas. Teachers are able to meet the specific needs of students. Coming into a class, teachers should be prepared and have the tools to be able to help each and every student, no matter how they learn. Designing activities to teach to all learning styles is the key to success for these students. The only downfall is the fact that teachers do not instantly know how to specifically help students in class. Universal design for learning deals with how to serve each student in an educational setting. They think about how the brain works and relates it to learning; they give a chance for students to acquire their information, demonstrate their talent, and let them continue their work by enhancing the work. The purpose is for full participation for students but also offering individual help as well. Schools do not want students to feel better or less than anyone so they want to provide lessons that will not diminish quality for certain students who do need that extra help.  

Tech Tool 10.1
The CC16 Extra-Large Calculator is a bigger-than-normal calculator that invites everyone to use it. It has bigger buttons and is easier to view than most calculators so that students with disabilities can use it as well. It is lightweight and includes the four basic mathematical operations for students to use. As students use calculators more with real objects, they learn how to do mathematical functions without one! It helps them solve real-life problems. Jim Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center provides exciting and interesting problems for students to solve. These online simulations allows students to become more advanced. 

                                                 Photo credit to Youssef Abdelaal on Flickr

Connection and Summary
This chapter provides technology for any teacher, whether they know how to use a computer or not. It also provides ways to help every kind of student. There are low tech, mid tech, and high tech techniques that easily integrate technology into the classroom. There are different programs and software that allow teachers to teach better and assist. Electronic devices such as online dictionaries, calculators, and interactive sites are good ways to get students involved and let them have a chance to learn on their own, as opposed to the teacher just standing in the front of the classroom and lecturing. There are many processes and software that teachers can use when they want to make learning fun and give the students hands-on experience. I like all the information this chapter provides. This chapter helps me know what devices and various technologies are available that I can use to make teaching less boring. Honestly, when a teachers just talks the entire class, I get sleepy and do not pay attention; by using these things within a lesson, students can interact and like being in school. Although students should not depend on these technologies to do their work, people can see it as a very useful learning tool. I think it is amazing that they can be used to help special needs students and are able to help students like them thrive in the classroom. 

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.  

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Journal 9

October 28, 2013
Chapter 9 Creating and Sharing Information with Multimedia Technologies

Focus Question #1 What is multimedia technology and how can teachers use it to effectively create and share visual information dynamically in their teaching?
Multimedia technology is when multiple media is combined to create high interaction between the student and the computer or technical device. It allows teaching to be more enhanced because of the different media being used. Multiple forms of technology can combine text, voice, images, and sound. Teachers can use technologies like interactive whiteboards, cameras and camcorders, and surround sound to extend the students' level of learning in the classroom. It takes advantage of the students' capacity to process information; with different technology being used during class, students can learn in many ways and exercise their strengths and weaknesses in how they learn. It gives teachers a chance to help every student, no matter what their learning type is, technologies can be worked for each individual student.  

                                                 Photo Credit to Entressen kirjasto on Flickr

Tech Tool 9.3 
Digital Storytelling tells different stories through digital media. It uses text, audio, and video imagery to make unique story presentations. It is especially cool because they can be personal and fun stories or even educational stories; it offers ways to teach about various themes. Digital art making allows students to make cool and visually compelling works of art. The website,, allows students to create digital sculptures online and choose where they want it to be viewed. Students can play different games and view other artwork as well. It lets them be creative and not have to worry about what other people will think. Both these programs are good online tools that will help students be more creative and access the internet when they feel like being artsy.

Connection and Summary
There are many programs that teachers can use to enhance their classroom environment. Not only does it make learning more exciting, it opens up various ways to helping every student learn. Powerpoint, videos, cameras, and podcasts allow teachers to work with the students to create memories that are everlasting. As opposed to standing in front of the class using pictures that can not be changed or just lecturing to the students, these technologies brings forth creativity for both the student and teacher. With time and patience, multimedia will allow students to become computer savvy and teach educators to integrate technology in their lessons.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Journal 8

October 10, 2013
Chapter 8 Communicating and Networking with Websites, Blogs, Wikis, and More

Focus Question #2 How can teachers use email or instant messaging to foster information exchanges with and among students?
Email allows students and teachers to keep track of what they send and receive. Email allows teachers and students to think about they write and send meaningful responses, and it spell checks what is sent. On the other hand, instant messaging allows quick messages so they know they should get a response quickly. It is informal so there is no need to check spelling, as long as the message makes sense, it will be conveyed right. Email and instant messaging has passwords and protects what is being sent. Also, when using these messaging forms, students and teachers can explore their spelling and eventually become better in spelling due to their messages. They are used to write to contact libraries, museums, and universities; classes can send questions to academic experts and discover more about different fields. They can send emails to officials and public policy makers to influence the world around them. They are given a chance to express their voice to other people. Also, teachers can hold online office hours where students can ask them questions. It is easier to come up with questions when the pressure of a teacher and other classmates are not in the way.

                                                  Photo Credit to Renato Ganoza on Flickr

Tech Tool 8.2
Digital image scanners allows pictures and papers that are written to be transferred onto the computer so that it is saved. Paper can get easily ripped or lost, but on the computer, it will most likely be there forever. These tools are helpful and allow students to work on and off the computer; it integrates technology well. They are a vehicle for uploading printed or drawn images onto your computer. They give teachers the chance to add visual images made by students into their lessons. I believe this makes students feel involved as they see their work on the computer screen.

Connection and Summary
This chapter taught a lot about wikis and blogs, which is what I need help with. Although they are confusing, the book explained the difference between both and what situations should be used for each. It provided computer- mediated communication technologies like email, websites, and online discussions that are used to enhance teacher and student learning. Students enjoy being on the computer and using their phones; I learned that there are ways to include these items in their learning. This way learning becomes more enjoyable as they do hands- on activities and interact with people online.  

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Journal 7

October 9, 2013
Chapter 7 Problem Solving and Inquiry Learning with Software and Web Tools

Focus Question #2 How can teachers evaluate the different types of educational software available today? 
Teachers have to find out if the computer controls the activity, or if the student does. It is the students working and doing the assignment, not the computer; they control what they do. Also, they have to ensure the software favors long- term thinking as opposed to the student rushing through the activity. Students will learn and remember more when they actually think about what they are doing. The point is for the students to develop reasoning and start analyzing the material they learn. Also, any online activity should not promote violence, competition, or stereotyping because it can affect students personally. Competition makes students run through their work and try to finish first, they do not learn anything that way. Due to the excitement in online activities, students can use what they learn online and use it in the real world.Violence and stereotyping is not good for the real world.  

                                                    Photo Credit to San Jose Library on Flickr

Tech Tool 7.2
Zoombinis Logical Journey is an online game that teaches math solving problems and techniques. It is a game where students are given the chance to try and try, even if they got a question wrong. The point of the game is to help the Zoombinis get home by beating their obstacles, the math problems so they are involved in something they enjoy. Students will not get easily bored when they they playing a game so this is a good way to help them learn. As they continue to play this online game, they will remember the techniques they use and be able to use them outside of the game. Also, students can play together and interact as a group.  

Connection and Summary
This chapter provided a lot of examples and websites that make being a teacher easier. There are software and Web Tools all over the Internet that I can use to make learning fun, which is one of my main goals in teaching. Chapter 7 included different ways to discern the accountability of websites as well as described the purposes to use them. It also described ways on how to use these websites in lessons, and when too much or too little technology can occur. I learned a lot and now realize, even more than before, that even though I am not good at using the computer, this book has many outlets and helpful tips that will make me a good educator. 

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.