Monday, December 2, 2013


EME2040 has taught me so much! Out of all the teaching classes I have taken at Edison State College, it has probably taught me the most and helped me discover different ways to run a classroom. I have learned a lot of information mostly from the book; I know much more about how to use a computer and different technologies in the classroom. Students respond to change and they can become more involved in their learning when they are engaged in interesting activities. The book explains how to focus on students and teachers and provides ways for them both to strive through helpful websites and transformative technologies. It also includes various computer software and programs that help teachers become more organized and prepared. I also know how to evaluate a website to ensure it is qualified and updated (Maloy, 2011).

Before this course, I knew absolutely nothing about technology besides Word, PowerPoint, and how to access the Internet. This course has widened my talent and I have discovered new ways to keep the classroom interesting. So many children use technology so it is good to use the things that interest them the most. I also know more about standards for teaching and what is expected in my curriculum. These are the standards being taught in the classroom and they are also used on the FCAT so it is good for me to keep up to date with them. (Florida Department of Education, n.d.). There are also many websites that I can use to enhance my teaching like or All the pages I have discovered online allows teaching to become easier. I believe with the resources from the book and this class, I will be a successful teacher.  

The syllabus provides many outcomes due to this class; I think I have successfully achieved all of them. With the help of my classmates, I was able to create a Internet-based project that taught 1st graders about patterns. I also learned how to evaluate a website and check for its validity. All the discussions were easy to talk about because they were all relative to what we should know when it comes to teaching in our own classrooms; for example, talking about legal and ethical issues hit home due to the fact those issues are seen everywhere. I found the portfolio to be very helpful and it is a good area to have everything organized, also it was a good project to show off our new talents in the technology world. Evaluating all those projects and websites were a big help to get us ready for the future. I especially liked learning about assistive technologies and discovering all the technologies for helping those with special needs. It is also a big help to learn about ways to teach English Language Learners in order for me to reach out to them and their parents and form a relationship with those students.

I have enjoyed our discussions in the class; I like how we are able to respond and talk to each other. There was no problem when we needed to voice our opinions. I especially liked the online discussions because we could respond to each others answers and evaluate what each classmate said on a certain subject. I enjoyed one of the discussions when we talked about legal and ethical issues; it was enlightening to see what everyone’s viewpoints were. The activities in the classroom were also exciting; I loved interacting with each other and always being able to work with different people so we could all become friends. I do not think there is anything I would change about this class except for the time length!

Florida Department of Education. (n.d.).Curriculum and Instruction. Retrieved December 2, 2013, from
Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Journal 11

November 13, 2013
Chapter 11 Engaging Teachers and Students in Learning and Self-Reflection

Focus Question #1 What is performance-based assessment for teachers and for students?
Performance-based testing for teachers are how their supervisors will assess them in classrooms. This includes the teachers being evaluated by people in charge of the teacher license programs and also the teachers in the school. In order to get a full-time job, teachers will have to take a state test, be observed teaching in their classroom, write papers how how they teach in the class what what methods they use for students, and how that they can relate to the community. They also are self-evaluated and learn new ways to make their teaching skills better. Students are assessed by their everyday work and how they are doing overall in school. This allows other teachers to view a students' file and see how they are progressing in class, as well as seeing what they need help with.

Tech Tool 11. 2
Online surveys are great ways to get feedback from students and helps teachers decide how to further help them in class. Surveys from Zoomerang allow teachers to design their own surveys using different templates and greetings to help the students view the surveys easier. It also allows teachers to put the information online so people can see how they are doing. SurveyMonkey gives ways to make polls and surveys to collect information. It has many examples to follow so teachers understand what they are doing, which is super helpful. It also gives real-time results and allows teachers to make surveys quick and easy. Poll Builder allows teachers to make polls for free; it does not have a lot of options but it does formulate quick polls.

Summary and Connection
This chapter highlights ways that can get a young teacher's career started. Just like the other chapters of this book, it contains different resources teachers and students can use to excel academically. Portfolios are discussed and the book states the many uses of it for teachers; teachers can put their past lessons and information about themselves into this online resource. There are advantages and disadvantages to using online portfolios, but as time goes, it is probably not as hard as it used to to get access to a computer. Teachers use this tool to display their knowledge and skills over time, and it can also be edited with more information. This tool is a great resource due to the fact schools can view them and see what each teacher has done in their past; I think it is a good evaluation process so teachers can use to show themselves off as well. The online surveys and student participation systems such as clickers are great resources because they involve the students with the activity. They allow students to see their responses on the board but it does not show who got it wrong or right, so that there will not be any embarrassment. I like how this chapter embraced students and encourages teachers to include them in decision making so that they will be more interested in the work. My philosophy of education is focused on the students so I really liked that aspect of this chapter.

                                                      Photo Credit to NCSSM on Flickr
Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.  

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Journal 10

November 1, 2013
Chapter 10 Promoting Success for All Students through Technology

Focus Question #1 What are differentiated instruction and universal design for learning?
Differentiated instruction is an approach that gives students different options to learn. They have various ways to take in information and make sense of new ideas. Teachers are able to meet the specific needs of students. Coming into a class, teachers should be prepared and have the tools to be able to help each and every student, no matter how they learn. Designing activities to teach to all learning styles is the key to success for these students. The only downfall is the fact that teachers do not instantly know how to specifically help students in class. Universal design for learning deals with how to serve each student in an educational setting. They think about how the brain works and relates it to learning; they give a chance for students to acquire their information, demonstrate their talent, and let them continue their work by enhancing the work. The purpose is for full participation for students but also offering individual help as well. Schools do not want students to feel better or less than anyone so they want to provide lessons that will not diminish quality for certain students who do need that extra help.  

Tech Tool 10.1
The CC16 Extra-Large Calculator is a bigger-than-normal calculator that invites everyone to use it. It has bigger buttons and is easier to view than most calculators so that students with disabilities can use it as well. It is lightweight and includes the four basic mathematical operations for students to use. As students use calculators more with real objects, they learn how to do mathematical functions without one! It helps them solve real-life problems. Jim Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center provides exciting and interesting problems for students to solve. These online simulations allows students to become more advanced. 

                                                 Photo credit to Youssef Abdelaal on Flickr

Connection and Summary
This chapter provides technology for any teacher, whether they know how to use a computer or not. It also provides ways to help every kind of student. There are low tech, mid tech, and high tech techniques that easily integrate technology into the classroom. There are different programs and software that allow teachers to teach better and assist. Electronic devices such as online dictionaries, calculators, and interactive sites are good ways to get students involved and let them have a chance to learn on their own, as opposed to the teacher just standing in the front of the classroom and lecturing. There are many processes and software that teachers can use when they want to make learning fun and give the students hands-on experience. I like all the information this chapter provides. This chapter helps me know what devices and various technologies are available that I can use to make teaching less boring. Honestly, when a teachers just talks the entire class, I get sleepy and do not pay attention; by using these things within a lesson, students can interact and like being in school. Although students should not depend on these technologies to do their work, people can see it as a very useful learning tool. I think it is amazing that they can be used to help special needs students and are able to help students like them thrive in the classroom. 

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.  

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Journal 9

October 28, 2013
Chapter 9 Creating and Sharing Information with Multimedia Technologies

Focus Question #1 What is multimedia technology and how can teachers use it to effectively create and share visual information dynamically in their teaching?
Multimedia technology is when multiple media is combined to create high interaction between the student and the computer or technical device. It allows teaching to be more enhanced because of the different media being used. Multiple forms of technology can combine text, voice, images, and sound. Teachers can use technologies like interactive whiteboards, cameras and camcorders, and surround sound to extend the students' level of learning in the classroom. It takes advantage of the students' capacity to process information; with different technology being used during class, students can learn in many ways and exercise their strengths and weaknesses in how they learn. It gives teachers a chance to help every student, no matter what their learning type is, technologies can be worked for each individual student.  

                                                 Photo Credit to Entressen kirjasto on Flickr

Tech Tool 9.3 
Digital Storytelling tells different stories through digital media. It uses text, audio, and video imagery to make unique story presentations. It is especially cool because they can be personal and fun stories or even educational stories; it offers ways to teach about various themes. Digital art making allows students to make cool and visually compelling works of art. The website,, allows students to create digital sculptures online and choose where they want it to be viewed. Students can play different games and view other artwork as well. It lets them be creative and not have to worry about what other people will think. Both these programs are good online tools that will help students be more creative and access the internet when they feel like being artsy.

Connection and Summary
There are many programs that teachers can use to enhance their classroom environment. Not only does it make learning more exciting, it opens up various ways to helping every student learn. Powerpoint, videos, cameras, and podcasts allow teachers to work with the students to create memories that are everlasting. As opposed to standing in front of the class using pictures that can not be changed or just lecturing to the students, these technologies brings forth creativity for both the student and teacher. With time and patience, multimedia will allow students to become computer savvy and teach educators to integrate technology in their lessons.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Journal 8

October 10, 2013
Chapter 8 Communicating and Networking with Websites, Blogs, Wikis, and More

Focus Question #2 How can teachers use email or instant messaging to foster information exchanges with and among students?
Email allows students and teachers to keep track of what they send and receive. Email allows teachers and students to think about they write and send meaningful responses, and it spell checks what is sent. On the other hand, instant messaging allows quick messages so they know they should get a response quickly. It is informal so there is no need to check spelling, as long as the message makes sense, it will be conveyed right. Email and instant messaging has passwords and protects what is being sent. Also, when using these messaging forms, students and teachers can explore their spelling and eventually become better in spelling due to their messages. They are used to write to contact libraries, museums, and universities; classes can send questions to academic experts and discover more about different fields. They can send emails to officials and public policy makers to influence the world around them. They are given a chance to express their voice to other people. Also, teachers can hold online office hours where students can ask them questions. It is easier to come up with questions when the pressure of a teacher and other classmates are not in the way.

                                                  Photo Credit to Renato Ganoza on Flickr

Tech Tool 8.2
Digital image scanners allows pictures and papers that are written to be transferred onto the computer so that it is saved. Paper can get easily ripped or lost, but on the computer, it will most likely be there forever. These tools are helpful and allow students to work on and off the computer; it integrates technology well. They are a vehicle for uploading printed or drawn images onto your computer. They give teachers the chance to add visual images made by students into their lessons. I believe this makes students feel involved as they see their work on the computer screen.

Connection and Summary
This chapter taught a lot about wikis and blogs, which is what I need help with. Although they are confusing, the book explained the difference between both and what situations should be used for each. It provided computer- mediated communication technologies like email, websites, and online discussions that are used to enhance teacher and student learning. Students enjoy being on the computer and using their phones; I learned that there are ways to include these items in their learning. This way learning becomes more enjoyable as they do hands- on activities and interact with people online.  

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Journal 7

October 9, 2013
Chapter 7 Problem Solving and Inquiry Learning with Software and Web Tools

Focus Question #2 How can teachers evaluate the different types of educational software available today? 
Teachers have to find out if the computer controls the activity, or if the student does. It is the students working and doing the assignment, not the computer; they control what they do. Also, they have to ensure the software favors long- term thinking as opposed to the student rushing through the activity. Students will learn and remember more when they actually think about what they are doing. The point is for the students to develop reasoning and start analyzing the material they learn. Also, any online activity should not promote violence, competition, or stereotyping because it can affect students personally. Competition makes students run through their work and try to finish first, they do not learn anything that way. Due to the excitement in online activities, students can use what they learn online and use it in the real world.Violence and stereotyping is not good for the real world.  

                                                    Photo Credit to San Jose Library on Flickr

Tech Tool 7.2
Zoombinis Logical Journey is an online game that teaches math solving problems and techniques. It is a game where students are given the chance to try and try, even if they got a question wrong. The point of the game is to help the Zoombinis get home by beating their obstacles, the math problems so they are involved in something they enjoy. Students will not get easily bored when they they playing a game so this is a good way to help them learn. As they continue to play this online game, they will remember the techniques they use and be able to use them outside of the game. Also, students can play together and interact as a group.  

Connection and Summary
This chapter provided a lot of examples and websites that make being a teacher easier. There are software and Web Tools all over the Internet that I can use to make learning fun, which is one of my main goals in teaching. Chapter 7 included different ways to discern the accountability of websites as well as described the purposes to use them. It also described ways on how to use these websites in lessons, and when too much or too little technology can occur. I learned a lot and now realize, even more than before, that even though I am not good at using the computer, this book has many outlets and helpful tips that will make me a good educator. 

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.  

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Journal #6

September 30, 2013
Chapter 6 Teaching with Educational Websites and Other Online Resources

Focus Question #4 What are WebQuests and virtual field trips?
WebQuests are online inquiries that brings school work to life. Students follow a map or tour that allows them to visit other websites and get their information. The topic they pick is researched as they explore and investigate their questions. WebQuests are made for students and teachers; teachers can assign what level they want their students to work on in a WebQuest. For example, they have different models designed with students of every need, whether they have a problem or reading or they are really good at reading. A virtual field trip is when students can interact without leaving their classroom, they can simply see through a computer. Students can visit museums, science centers, and historical sites as they embark on this online journey. Virtual field trips allow students to communicate with each other or even interact with others in a different country or state!

                                                   Photo Credit to GalcierGuyMT on Flickr

Tech Tool 6.1
It is always a good idea to choose where your students can visit when they go on the Internet, this leads to no distractions or inappropriate websites. I agree that when you do not know what you are looking for, it is easy to get off track, especially on the computer. Teachers have the ability to save websites and let students have a chance to explore more into them, which is helpful for assignments. A tool used is called Portaportal that lets teachers and students bookmark favorite or important websites so they can share them or look at them later. It is a good resource to use when students are assigned a certain topic and the teacher provides a Portaportal that lets them go right into research. As I visited this website, I saw how easy it was to sign up and use this tool to simply copy and paste websites that contain information that is valuable. 

Connection and Summary
I think this is the most helpful chapter I have read! It included so many online tools I can use to easily integrate technology in lesson plans. Bookmarking will allow me never to forget websites that will help me in the future; it is also resourceful that I can discover more websites posted by other people. There are websites that are appealing to both students and teachers that allow both to design and explore them on their own. There are a bunch of websites that help teachers make lesson plans, find information, involve yourself in the sites, and even exchange ideas virtually. This chapter will surely be bookmarked for me!    

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with 
new technologies. Allyn & Bacon. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Journal #5

September 25, 2013
Chapter 5 Researching and Evaluating Internet Information

Focus Question 5 How can teachers respond to problems of plagiarism when students use online sources?
Teachers can use multiple ways to prevent students from plagiarizing, whether they know they are doing it or not. There are websites such as,, and that electronically scan their papers to check for information copied from other sources. Even before giving out an assignment, teachers should go over rules that help the students stay away from plagiarizing. They should distinguish the type of research they should be conducting, stay focused on essential questions, have students develop their thinking and construct their own answers, stress using citations, and assess their work as they are doing an assignment. Teachers should instruct students to critically think about the information they are using.

Tech Tool 5.1
Pictures, videos, and sound are an ideal way to keep students awake. They are visually stimulating and make any lesson worth their time. Flickr is a website where people can share photos, and there are instructional options for teachers to use in the classroom. It allows you to divide your photos into different groups so maybe you can have a tab for school and another for hobbies. These photos can also be used in slideshows, calendars, photo books, cards, and stamps. After visiting Flickr, I learned I could search for anything and a variety of pictures would appear. If I wanted to get more in depth in my search, I could use the advanced search option to limit my pictures. Also, I can find my friends and view their photos as well. Another website was LibriVox, which has free audio sounds from books to other publish materials. Their goal is to make every public domain book free on audio and available to us! Teachers can use this website to enhance their curriculum.  

Summary and Connection
The first step of technology is to become information literate, which means students are able to use information as needed and locate and evaluate it effectively. This does not happen in one night, even as teachers, we are learning about technology to this day. In the future, students should be able to access and assess information correctly so they can use it in their work. Search engines and keywords allow students to find what they are looking for without having to search on every page. Also, when looking at websites, teachers should be able to guide students on what is reliable and what is not a good place to be finding their information. I want to become information literate so that my students do not have to suffer from plagiarism, getting bad grades, or using information that is not valid. This chapter taught me how further my knowledge on how to evaluate a website. There are no shortcuts when it comes to writing good papers, so cheating or using false information will get me nowhere.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with 
          new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Journal #4

September 12, 2013
Chapter 4 Integrating Technology and Creating Change

Focus Question #3 What are "digital inequality" and the "participation gap"?
Digital inequality means that putting technology in schools and at home will not show the differences that social groups have to access them. Adding more technology is not the answer when some students can not even get to a computer because of how they live and their life at home. The gap between students who have access to computers and those who do not is called the participation gap. Without computers, the students without access fall way behind the other students who can just do their work at home. It is not fair because it is not their fault they do not have technology at home and have to limit doing their homework during school hours or until the public library closes. Also, these students do not have the same experiences at the ones with computers; they do not have a chance to connect online, do more research, or just explore the media.

                                                 Photo Credit to Viktor Rosenfeld on Flickr

Tech Tool 4.1
As a person who does not know much about the computer, it is true that integrating technology in the classroom, as well as doing everything else, is going to be a lot of work. Thankfully, they have some helpful programs to make it easier. The National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) has videos of other teachers and how they integrate technology in their classroom. There are also rubrics to see how well I am integrating technology; so basically a check to see if I am doing everything right. Edutopia resources on how to integrate technology, which is probably a website I am going to use a lot. NCTE Inbox includes articles sent to me through email. They are updates and important things I should know that are happening in the teacher world. The NCTE Inbox Blog explores any subject field lessons.

Summary and Connection
Although this chapter includes the cons of integrating technology into the classroom, there are many helpful ways that computers and such can help us. There are many tools that can help put technology in every aspect of the class. There are ways to help the teachers, and even the students. Students can work together and get work done. Some very cool assets are digital pens and digital notepads; they seem very advanced and can even help those with disabilities. Like I said before, I am not good with technology so this chapter taught me about how I can put away those differences, and add more excitement to the classroom by using technology.
Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Journal #3

September 4, 2013
Chapter 3 Developing Lessons with Technology

Focus Question #1 What is meant by "lesson development using technology"?
Lesson development are all the steps teachers go through as they create and teach lessons for students. They base it upon what to teach, how to teach, and how to find out what students have learned. Internet sources allow teachers to look up curriculum outlines, technology tools, search engines, and online databases. These tools help teachers to form what they are going to teach in class. Different tools that help create diagrams and software are sources to use when figuring out how to teach. When it comes to the students, online tests and assessments, and surveys allow teachers to see how they are progressing.

Tech Tool 3.3
It is true that as teachers, creating rubrics and quizzes is going to be very time consuming, at least for me. Being able to find online resources and templates to tweak different models will speed up the process. RubiStar and QuizStar seem like good sources to trust. RubiStar seems like a personal site where you can choose your own subject and rubrics to create for your students. It seems very helpful that you can customize to your own particular assignment. QuizStar provides formats where you can create various quizzes and tests. It also has a section where you can view the results of your students, once they have taken a test. This would make grading easier and helpful that it is all on one website.
                                                  Photo credit to SalFalko on Flickr

Summary & Connection:
Making lessons with the help of technology makes life easier. Student learning objectives show the intended outcome of the activities teachers choose and how the students work with them. By working backwards with understanding by design techniques, we can see how each step of making a lesson plan works, also teachers can spend time evaluating what works and what does not work. Being able to assess and evaluate the students using technology can be more organized, especially the grading portion. State testing allows us to see how students are doing individually and where they need help. These scores determine how we can be better teachers and where to place the students, whether it be in a gifted or regular class. I think these forms of technology will make grading and creating assignments for students more efficient. Also, the lists of approved websites and sites where I can find curriculum will be very helpful in my career. I want to learn more about technology now so I will be prepared when I become a teacher. Maybe I can be like the teacher mentioned in the book who did not need lesson plans, but knew from memory, how and what she wanted to teach every day.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R.. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming  learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.

Journal Post #2

September 4, 2013
Chapter 2 Transforming Learning with Unique, Powerful Technology

Focus Question 7: How can students express their creativity using technology?
Creativity allows students to electronically enhance their work. It is a talent shown throughout the students that gives them a chance to go beyond paper and pen. Now, they can use programs such as photo editing, podcasts, desktop publishing, design tools, and much more. Computers transform ideas and make them better; students can change the colors and sizes of letters in a presentation, even a simple picture that was copied and pasted can become a new work of art. The use of these technologies has helped me when I want to make an engaging Powerpoint or spice up a research paper.

Photo credit to San Jose Library on Flickr

Information technology and creative practices (ITCP) give artistic students an opportunity for self- expression and creative thinking. They are able to use paint, Word, and  design programs to further their assignments. Also, it allows students to work together and put all ideas into one project. Creativity must stand the test of others; apparently, they decide who is creative and who is not. As a teacher, every student is creative in their own way and each piece they create will be seen as magnificence.

Tech Tool 2.1 
I liked how some of the websites had interactive parts that you could work. The websites were very informative and easy to follow. It was interesting to see how all these subjects like frog dissections to skeletons were portrayed to help students learn more about them.

Summary and Connection:
There are many unique and powerful technologies that enhance students learning. We can use computers that contain so many programs to edit photos and papers, create Powerpoints and Word documents that are visually engaging, and even bring together students to make art. Technology does not have to control the classroom and we do not have to rely fully on it, but with the help of computers, we can create work we could not make without the use of them. I may not know much about computers, but I do know how to manipulate letters and pictures to make my assignments visually pleasing and to make them my own.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Journal #1

August 29, 2013
Chapter 1: Becoming an e- Teacher

Focus Question: What six key issues should a teacher consider when looking to integrate technology?
The six key issues are using technology in teaching, motivating factors, barriers to technology use, ideas for technology use, teaching methods, and students and technologies.

The first issue deals with how teachers respond to changes in technology. I find myself a late majority user, due to the fact I do not know much about the computer and require more time to adjust to new developments. As teachers, we should decide where we are in the technological world, so we will be able to help our students and other teachers increase in the technological innovation curve. Students become bored during lectures and in the long run, drop out or skip classes; to make learner more exciting, we can incorporate presentations and wireless devices for projects to stimulate their brains and keep them awake! There are also financial and mental barriers to integrating technology; families do not have enough to own a computer at home, and teachers and students may not fully understand how to use certain online programs. The philosophy of technology should be to entertain the needs of students and teachers and provide learning tools to make these changes easier and accessible.

Tech Tool: Ultraportable Laptop Computers
As a college student, I am familiar with going online for everything I need. Ultraportable computers, or notebook computers, act as a filing cabinet where I can store information. It weighs two to eight pounds and is light to carry. It has a lasting battery life for when I need to run multiple applications at a fast speed, and it has an easy- to- read screen! This computer seems like it would make my life easier and I would be able to access different programs more frequently. I would not mind buying it, but only for the right price.

Summary and Connection
Chapter 1 touched on information I have learned in the past. Although, I never knew technology was such an issue when it came to teaching. There are many barriers to technology and families that can not afford computers so I hope we are able to expand our resources and work on helping them. With the right training and focus, technology can be used for the better and make learning more advanced, but understandable. I hope to use this class and the information I learn as a stepping stone to becoming more technologically prepared for my future.  

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.