September 4, 2013
Chapter 3 Developing Lessons with Technology
Focus Question #1 What is meant by "lesson development using technology"?
Lesson development are all the steps teachers go through as they create and teach lessons for students. They base it upon what to teach, how to teach, and how to find out what students have learned. Internet sources allow teachers to look up curriculum outlines, technology tools, search engines, and online databases. These tools help teachers to form what they are going to teach in class. Different tools that help create diagrams and software are sources to use when figuring out how to teach. When it comes to the students, online tests and assessments, and surveys allow teachers to see how they are progressing.
Tech Tool 3.3
It is true that as teachers, creating rubrics and quizzes is going to be very time consuming, at least for me. Being able to find online resources and templates to tweak different models will speed up the process. RubiStar and QuizStar seem like good sources to trust. RubiStar seems like a personal site where you can choose your own subject and rubrics to create for your students. It seems very helpful that you can customize to your own particular assignment. QuizStar provides formats where you can create various quizzes and tests. It also has a section where you can view the results of your students, once they have taken a test. This would make grading easier and helpful that it is all on one website.
Photo credit to SalFalko on Flickr
Summary & Connection:
Making lessons with the help of technology makes life easier. Student learning objectives show the intended outcome of the activities teachers choose and how the students work with them. By working backwards with understanding by design techniques, we can see how each step of making a lesson plan works, also teachers can spend time evaluating what works and what does not work. Being able to assess and evaluate the students using technology can be more organized, especially the grading portion. State testing allows us to see how students are doing individually and where they need help. These scores determine how we can be better teachers and where to place the students, whether it be in a gifted or regular class. I think these forms of technology will make grading and creating assignments for students more efficient. Also, the lists of approved websites and sites where I can find curriculum will be very helpful in my career. I want to learn more about technology now so I will be prepared when I become a teacher. Maybe I can be like the teacher mentioned in the book who did not need lesson plans, but knew from memory, how and what she wanted to teach every day.
Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R.. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.
Even with a good memory, you will find yourself wanting some sort of lesson plan, especially because you will find yourself constantly updating and revising to meet the needs of students. Rubrics are a great form of assessment and Rubistar will be a resource for doing so, but learning how to create them yourself is important for the 'big picture'! :)